“S U R - F A C E : Paintings by Benny Bing”
Saturday, August 15, 2015
5 pm- 9 pm
Artscape Youngplace
180 Shaw St, Toronto, ON
Open Bar and Hors d’Oeuvres will be served
Artist: Benny Bing
We are very excited to announce that Benny Bing will be exhibiting in a solo show. The exhibition showcases the range and depth of Benny's works. The exhibition is free to the public, but the opening night reception is by invitation only. The show will be on display from August 15 & 16th, 2015. This exhibit is what we are all about, bringing young collectors and art lovers an opportunity to purchase incredible art at affordable prices. It’s really a dream come true for any young collector. Paintings will be available for purchase. To attend the opening, please RSVP below. This is a private event.
For media inquiries please contact: bennybing@gmail.com (T: 416.919.7108)