Colour Blind - Pictures

‘Colour Blind’ is an exhibit of boldly coloured compositions that address the ideology of a society that rejects racial discrimination. It encourages viewers to challenge the status quo and appreciate commonalities between a shared humanity.

Opening Reception | 15 June 2019 | 6pm – 12:00 am
Artist Talk | 16 June 2019 | 3pm – 7pm

Neighbourhood Studios | 24 McGee Street, Toronto

Supporting The Breakfast of Champions

Benny Bing donated a portrait painting of Nelson Madiba Mandela to the Breakfast of Champions fundraiser. Breakfast of Champions in Support of SickKids is an annual fundraising and networking event that provides young professionals with the opportunity to enjoy an intimate breakfast with champions from a wide range of fields, including law, medicine, business, sports and entertainment. 

Benny Bing Showcasing At MNFESTO 'Common Ground' Art Show

The 9th Annual Manifesto Art Show
Sunday, September 20
Super Wonder Gallery
876 Bloor Street W.
PWYC from 3pm-8pm | $5 after 8pm
Showcasing works from:

International artist/designer TAJ FRANCIS @tajfrancis (JA)
Chidinma Dureke @art_isAdanma (MD)
Jamilla Okubo @VivaIllajams (DC)

Aleks Bartosik
Andrew Palmer @illdefinedartistry
Benny Bing @bennybing
Chris Perez @chrispperez
Francis Pratt @realfranman
Hans Poppe @hanspoppe
Komi Olaf @komiolaf
Mark 'Kurupt' Stoddart @liwi68
Ricardo McRae @ricardomcrae

6ix x 6 co-curated with 1LoveTO@1LoveTO
Featuring Toronto’s top Instagram shooters including: 

Curated by: Ashley McKenzie-Barnes@ashleymckenziebarnes

Entire festival information: